6/21 EntreMeetup
June 13, 2011 | By Incuba8 |
7pm, 2470 E. NewCastle Ln, Midland, MI
Connecting creative entrepreneurs to start and grow businesses! Come meet people with ideas, who are making their ideas happen. This month we will be talking about…
LEAN STARTUP PRINCIPLES (Part I)- Getting your product to market sooner faster by identifying your minimum viable product (MVP) and testing it with your customer base to understand what your product should include to create the most value and build demand for when you launch.
A TAXONOMY OF REVENUE MODELS- We will be exploring Michael Rappa’s business models on the web. This is one of the most complete taxonomy of ways businesses make money that I (Caryn) have come across and can be applied to internet and non-web based businesses alike. To prepare to talk about how we can apply this to our own businesses check out http://digitalenterprise.org/models/models.html.
THE SOAPBOX/ SHOW’N TELL (Free Forum)- Have you been learning something while developing your business? Have you stumbled upon some great resources. This is your chance to share with our growing entrepreneurial community.
Please bring a dish to pass of $5-10 to contribute toward food.