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Past Events | incuba8

13 May


5/19- Heading to the Big Leagues (Midland, MI)

May 13, 2011 | By |

Showcasing the Entrepreneurial Enterprises that are Reinventing Michigan’s Economy


May 19, 2011 3 p.m.- 9 p.m.

Heading for the Big Leagues celebrates entrepreneurship in the mid-Michigan region and gives attendees an opportunity to network and see firsthand some of the innovative products and services being developed in the region.

For the third annual event, the concourse at Dow Diamond will be transformed to a technology and innovation showcase, providing exhibitors the opportunity to display and demonstrate their innovative products to potential investors as well as key business, community and political leaders.

Heading for the Big Leagues
May 19

Special recognition will be provided to entrepreneurs and businesses that have cultivated mid Michigan’s entrepreneurial environment, including established and emerging companies that are critical to growing Michigan’s economy.

Register Now

Please join us for the VIP program starting at 3:30 PM ($100) or at 6 PM for the general public ($10.)

13 May


5/19- MI Lean Startup Conference (Grand Rapids)

May 13, 2011 | By |

Momentum presents

The Michigan Lean Startup Conference

featuring Eric Ries of The Lean Startup

Thursday, May 19th, 8:00 to 5:00

Eberhard Center at GVSU. Grand Rapids, MI

For information and registeration visit

The Lean Startup movement is taking hold in companies both new and established to help entrepreneurs and managers do one important thing: make better, faster business decisions. By testing assumptions earlier, faster, and with more rigor, you can improve your success rate. Bringing principles from lean manufacturing and agile development to the process of innovation, the Lean Startup helps companies succeed in a business landscape riddled with risk.

The Lean Startup Conference is an event designed to unite those interested in what it takes to succeed in building a lean startup. The day long event will give startups, aspiring entrepreneurs, technology professionals, investors, educators and entrepreneurial stakeholders the opportunity to hear insights from national leaders in the lean startup movement and learn what it takes to build a lean startup.


Eric Ries- Startup Lessons Learned

Patrick Vlaskovits & Brant Cooper- The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development

Dan Martell- Strategies for Fast Growth Entrepreneneurs

Rob Walling- Lessons Learned Moving From Developer to Entrepreneur

William Pietri- Agile Focus

Jeffrey Schox- Schox Patent Group

Michael Godwin & Jason Townsend- Resonate Venture Partners

Gagan Palrecha- Chirply

Zach Steindler-

Jeff Epstein- Zferral

Dug Song- Duo Security

Additional speakers to be announced


“The Lean Startup is a disciplined approach to building companies that matter. It’s designed to dramatically reduce the risk associated with bringing a new product to market by building the company from the ground up for rapid iteration and learning. It requires dramatically less capital than older models, and can find profitability sooner. Most importantly, it breaks down the artificial dichotomy between pursuing the company’s vision and creating profitable value. Instead, it harnesses the power of the market in support of the company’s long-term mission”. Eric Ries, creator of the Lean Startup Methodology

13 Jun


6/21 EntreMeetup

June 13, 2011 | By |

7pm, 2470 E. NewCastle Ln, Midland, MI

Facebook Event

Connecting creative entrepreneurs to start and grow businesses! Come meet people with ideas, who are making their ideas happen. This month we will be talking about…

LEAN STARTUP PRINCIPLES (Part I)- Getting your product to market sooner faster by identifying your minimum viable product (MVP) and testing it with your customer base to understand what your product should include to create the most value and build demand for when you launch.

A TAXONOMY OF REVENUE MODELS- We will be exploring Michael Rappa’s business models on the web. This is one of the most complete taxonomy of ways businesses make money that I (Caryn) have come across and can be applied to internet and non-web based businesses alike. To prepare to talk about how we can apply this to our own businesses check out

THE SOAPBOX/ SHOW’N TELL (Free Forum)- Have you been learning something while developing your business? Have you stumbled upon some great resources. This is your chance to share with our growing entrepreneurial community.

Please bring a dish to pass of $5-10 to contribute toward food.

07 Jul


Aug 10 – 12: Concept Crafting Boot Camp

July 7, 2009 | By |

Held at the Alden B. Dow Creativity Center, 2203 Eastman Road, Midland, Mich. 48640 (Click on address for map) on Monday, August 10 – Wednesday, Aug 12 from 10:30 am – 4:30 pm.

Do you have a great idea that you’d like to pursue? Come to our concept crafting bootcamp. Concept Crafting is a interactive workshop designed  help you walk through the steps needed to have a viable business proposal. Takeaways for the Concept Creation event are:

  • Creating, clarifying, and articulating the participant’s organizational vision, and purpose
    • Including needs and problems being addressed and the desired impact of the business
  • Understanding who the customer’s will be, identifying their primary and secondary needs, and defining the scope of the venture
  • Service and product development
  • Creating a viable business model
  • Mapping the next steps in launching the organization
  • whiting house

Monday, August 10, 2009

10:15 Welcome
10:30-11:30 Area Innovation Showcase
11:30- 12:30 Food Mixer
12:30- 4:30 Vision Crafting Workshop covering:
• Creating, clarifying, and articulating the organizational vision, and purpose
• Defining needs and problems being addressed by the startup and the desired impact of the business
• Learning and understanding who the customers will be, identifying their primary and secondary needs, and defining the scope of the venture in meeting these needs

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

10:30 -11:30 Participant Progress Review (Optional)
11:30- 12:30 Food Mixer
12:30- 4:30 Service/Product Development and Strategy Workshop covering:
• Identifying who is paying for the product, why they would pay, and the value of their purchase defined
• Identifying different groups that would be impacted by the business and how the business is attractive to each group
• Creating incentives
• Aligning strategy to customer needs
• Developing strategy to provide the service/product
• (Possible IP/ Idea protection mini-session)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

10:30 -11:30 Participant Progress Review (Optional)
11:30- 12:30 Food Mixer
12:30- 4:30 Defining Your Business Model and Mapping Future Action Workshop covering:
• Creating a viable business model
o Different online, and service business model options
o Pricing
o Industry benchmarks
• Your pro-forma statements
• Mapping the next steps in launching the organization

* This agenda is subject to change, any changes will be imediately posted.

These events are being hosted free on your behalf by Opportunity Analysts, LLC and our sponsors. There is a suggested donation of $65.00 for this event. The sponsors and many volunteers who will be bringing you these events will greatly appreciate any support you can provide. Register Now!

27 Jul


Aug 10: Area Innovation Showcase

July 27, 2009 | By |

Do you have a new product that you are trying to launch? Have a startup that is doing something innovative and unique? Want to inspire young entrepreneurs and let people in Mid Michigan know what you are doing? Interested in what innovations other people are doing in the area?

Show off your concept or attend the:

Area Innovation Showcase
Monday, August 10th 10:30am-11:30am
Alden B. Dow Creativity Center
2203 Eastman Road, Midland, Michigan 48640

This event will kick off Incuba8’s Concept Crafting Bootcamp which will walk young entrepreneurs through the process of developing a concept into a viable business. Register Today!

03 Aug


Aug 12: Entrepreneur & Social Entrepreneur Meetup

August 3, 2009 | By |

2470 E NewCastle Lane, Midland, MI, 48640, 7 pm- 10 pm,, Suggested donation: $5

Objective: We want to create connections among smart, driven people from all walks of life in Mid-Michigan to build a better community and world together.


CCS Robotics– Tony Diodato, Inventor and CTO. Gary Familian, acting CEO

CCS Robotics is the leader and first provider of autonomous mobile robots in the clinical and laboratory environment. The Speciminder and RoboCourier units have been successfully operating in the clinical space for almost three years.

Kinetic Wave Power– Joesph Blackmore

A technology company formed to commercialize the cost competitive wave energy conversion technology called PowerGin ™

Midland Downtown Development Authority– Tony Kulick, Director

Tony will introduce the Midland Downtown Development Authorities (DDA) new Retail Incubator Program launch. Hear about the type of new businesses the DDA is trying to attract to downtown Midland and learn about the incentives available to assist you with your startup.

• Business card table
• Quick 20 second intros for first time attendees
• Birds of a feather- learn about other attendees interests, skill sets, and new opportunities
• Three or four presentations from recent startups (7 min presentation, 3 min Q&A)
• Quick elevator pitches, announcements, and life changing books nominations
• Fellowship and food- Please bring a dish to pass or a donation

Please email me if:
• You are interested in presenting your company, idea, social venture, or issue at a future meetup.
• You want to submit an announcement before the meetup
• You are traveling from out of town.

Please spread the word about the group and invite any of your friends who care about changing the world and are interested in entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, public policy, politics, investing, healthcare, education, law, poverty, marketing, or technology. All are welcome!

Contact: [email protected]

* Note: Thank you Ryan Allis and others in Chapel Hill, NC who helped inspire this meetup!

13 Jul


Aug 13-15: Business Launch Weekend

July 13, 2009 | By |

The Business Launch weekend is held at the Sloan Family Building at Northwood University, 4000 Whiting Dr. Midland, MI 48640 (click on address for map) on Thursday August, 13 – Saturday, August 15.

Sloan Conference Center

We’re looking for people with big ideas, graphic designers, marketers, web developers, and finance people. Let’s work together to make concepts a reality.

• Young people with great business ideas
• Business mentors and presenters with startup expertise
• Entrepreneurial support organizations that would like to be included in the organizational fair

The Business Launch Weekend will bring together people interested in starting up or contributing to businesses from the surrounding area to work on developing specific concepts over a weekend. The first night is spent discussing ideas, presenting possible launches, choosing opportunities to be pursued, and organizing into teams. The rest of the weekend will be spent creating a business plan, website, business systems, and operational plans. Students who participate may be able to apply for internship credit from their university.

Day 1 -Thursday August 13, 2009

6:00pm Arrival, Introduction of Volunteers and Participants
6:30pm New Venture Pitches (Open to all participants with business concept- please submit on website beforehand)
• 7 minute presentation with 3 minute Q&A follow-up
8:00pm Self-Selection Process of Teams
9:00pm Check Point 1- Elevator Pitch
• Description of elevator pitch components will be available on website.
10:00pm Social Mixer – Event breaks to local establishment to continue developing ideas and meet participants

Day 2 -Friday August 14, 2009

9:00am Building Opens (Teams can meet if desired)
9:30 – 10:00am Welcome & Overview of the Business Plan Blitz
12:00pm Check Point 2- Teams have completed name (keywords), tagline, executive summary, vision statement, and have purchased URL and hosting
12:30 Lunch Break and Debriefing
4:00pm Check Point 3- Create basic live website/ wire frame, personalized email
1 page description of your business to inform the public, credibility establishing plan, identify keywords & setup sample Google Adsense & Adword campaign, logo & business card design (possibility of extension)
5:00pm Event Break- Teams finish all check points and fully debrief

Tentative Presentations (10-20 minutes each throughout the day, optional attendance):
Website tips and trick
Simple strategies for securing web traffic
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn Integration

Day 3 –Saturday, August 15, 2009

9:00am Building Opens
9:30- 10:00am Official Start and Marketing Blitz Overview
12:30pm Lunch break
2:30pm Check Point 4- Basic survey for potential customers, pricing, sales strategy plan, startup costs, create web presence strategy integrating social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
5:00pm Checkpoint 5- Pro forma statements draft, report on what was learned, what worked, what didn’t work, and packet of all previous deliverables and accomplishments, elevator
pitch (take 2)
6:30pm Mixer and Final Debrief

Tentative Presentations (10-20 minutes each throughout the day, optional attendance):
From basement to board room: how to create business credibility & consumer confidence
Pricing models
Attract buyers: New strategies and new guarantees for generating sales.

Day 4 –Sunday, August 16, 2009

2:00pm Community Presentation of New Business Concepts & Entrepreneurship Fair
5:30pm Closing Comments

These events are being hosted free on your behalf by Opportunity Analysts, LLC and our sponsors. There is a suggested donation of $65.00 for this event. The sponsors and many volunteers who will be bringing you these events will greatly appreciate any support you can provide.

Register Now!

03 Aug


Aug 13: Mid Michigan Innovation Speaker Series, 4:30 pm

August 3, 2009 | By |

MidMichigan InnovatorsSpeaker Series Presents:

Alex Lindahl, Co-founder of College Mogul/Director of Ultra Light Startups

Please join us for this exciting free event!

August 13, 2009 beginning at 4:30 p.m., Sloan Family Building at Northwood University, (click for map),  Social Hour and Networking to follow

Hailing from Boston, the MidMichigan Innovators would like to welcome Alex Lindahl, co-founder of College Mogul and director of the Boston chapter of Ultra Light Startups.  Alex will share his experiences as a young entrepreneur and talk about the open source world and the power of crowd sourcing to accelerate technology startups.

Register today!

MMIC Speaker Sponsors

This event "was made possible by funding Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU) received through the Mid Michigan Innovation Team (MMIT) in the Workforce Innovations in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor-Employment and Training Administration."

04 Aug


Aug 16: Participant Presentations, 2 pm

August 4, 2009 | By |

Come here what has happened over the week at Incuba8 by attending our Community Presentation Day. We will have people present their concepts, progress made, and future plans. This event will take place at the Sloan Building at Northwood University on Sunday, Aug 16th at 2 pm.

This event is open to everyone.

10 Jul


Aug 18: Business Setup Conference

July 10, 2009 | By |

The Business Setup Conference is held at the MidMichigan Innovation Center, 4520 E. Ashman Rd., Midland, MI 48642 (Click on address for map) on Tuesday, August 18 from 8:00 am – 6:00 pm.MidMichigan Innovation Center

• Entrepreneurs of all ages
• Business mentors and presenters with startup expertise

Setting Up Business will be comprised of seminars to help walk new startups through the legal setup and basic financial statements. Attendees will be provided with free resources and outlines, and advice. Takeaways for Business Setup are:

  • Setting up your organizational structure
  • Process for filing
  • How to License
  • Setting up your accounting
  • Legally protecting yourself and your concept
  • Wordmarks, Trademarks, Logos, Patents


8:00- 9:00 The Best Organizational Structure for Your Organization- Gary Gudmundsen, J.D,  Braun Kendrick Finkbeiner P.L.C.

9:15 –10:45 , Work Smarter Not Harder – Leveraging Internet and Personal Resources to Save you Time, Caryn Shick

11:00 – 12:30  Finding and Using the Best Intellectual Capital Strategy to Protect Your Idea, Reed Shick, Ph.D

Do you have a product concept but not sure how to protect your idea or even how to do a basic patent search? Dr. Shick will be shedding light on a confusing subject to most entrepreneurs, Intellectual Capital. Dr. Shick will be speaking on what IP is and some of the basic tools entrepreneurs can use to review their IP position, IP strategy, and make recommendations specific to the companies represented.

12:30- 1:30 Lunch Break

1:45 – 2:45 Out Licensing Your Technology- Gary Bellaver, Dow  Licensing & Technology

This presentation will focus on the critical aspects of licensing as it pertains to a business. Basic concepts such as types of licenses, important terms and conditions, resources for creating and sustaining a license business, and valuation of licensed intellectual property will be discussed.

3:00 – 4:00  Accounting Setup for Startups- Michael Zimmerman, CPA, Yeo & Yeo

One of the greatest mistakes made by owners of small businesses is not keeping good financial records and making improper or poor business decisions based on
inadequate information. We will guide you through the basics and also share information on accounting software that is easy to use for a new business.

4:15 – 5:45  Navigating Trademarks! What most entrepreneurs dont know will kill their business! Karen Kimble, JD, Technology Law, PLLC

Karen will be discussing the key mistakes entrepreneurs make with regard to trade marks. It is never a good idea to create a product, slap a logo or custom label on your creation, and begin selling to the public. To many small companies have infringed on large company’s trade mark’s and have been taken to court and forced to cease operations, costing the operator precious time and money. Allow Karen Kimble to show you how to do basic trade mark searches and how to safely navigate your product into the marketplace without infringing on other trademarked material.

* This agenda is subject to change as we continue to line up new speakers.

These events are being hosted free on your behalf by Opportunity Analysts, LLC and our sponsors. There is a suggested donation of $100.00 for this event. The sponsors and many volunteers who will be bringing you these events will greatly appreciate any support you can provide. Register Now!

18 Jul


August EntreMeetup & Lake Party

July 18, 2011 | By |


It’s time for our annual EntreMeetup Lake Party and Potluck!

When: 6pm

Where: Dr. Shicks’ House, 2470 E. NewCastle. Ln. Midland, MI 48640

There will be a meet and greet time, followed by food and fellowship by (and in) the water. Don’t forget to bring a swimsuit.

To RSVP and learn what you can bring contact Caryn Shick, cshick<at>opportunityanalysts​.com.

August 16th EntreMeetup’s Facebook Event

19 Nov


Dec 3-5: Incuba8 Concept Crafting Workshop

November 19, 2009 | By |

December 3-4th, 2009, 6:00- 9:30pm. December 5th, 2009, 2:00-5:30 pm. Located at the MidMichigan Innovation Center, Lake Isabella Conference Room.  (Map)

Do you have a great idea that you’d like to pursue? Come to our incuba8 concept crafting bootcamp. Concept Crafting is a interactive workshop designed  help you walk through the steps needed to have a viable business proposal. Takeaways for the incuba8 concept creating event are:

  • Creating, clarifying, and articulating the participant’s organizational vision, and purpose
    • Including needs and problems being addressed and the desired impact of the business
  • Understanding who the customer’s will be, identifying their primary and secondary needs, and defining the scope of the venture
  • Service and product development
  • Creating a viable business model
  • Mapping the next steps in launching the organization

Thursday, December 3, 2009, 6:00- 9:30 pm

Vision Crafting Workshop covering:
• Creating, clarifying, and articulating the organizational vision, and purpose
• Defining needs and problems being addressed by the startup and the desired impact of the business
• Learning and understanding who the customers will be, identifying their primary and secondary needs, and defining the scope of the venture in meeting these needs

Friday, December 4, 2009, 6:00- 9:30 pm

Service/Product Development and Strategy Workshop covering:
• Identifying who is paying for the product, why they would pay, and the value of their purchase defined
• Identifying different groups that would be impacted by the business and how the business is attractive to each group
• Creating incentives
• Aligning strategy to customer needs
• Developing strategy to provide the service/product
• (Possible IP/ Idea protection mini-session)

Saturday, December 5, 2009, 2:00- 5:30 pm

Defining Your Business Model and Mapping Future Action Workshop covering:
• Creating a viable business model
o Different online, and service business model options
o Pricing
o Industry benchmarks
• Your pro-forma statements
• Mapping the next steps in launching the organization

Discounted Cost: $150, Scholarships Available


Facebook Event

These events are  hosted by Opportunity Analysts, LLC and our sponsors.

24 Nov


Dec 5: Young Entrepreneurs RoundTable

November 24, 2009 | By |

December 5th, 2009, 9:30-1:00pm. Located at the Mid Michigan Innovation Center, Lake Isabella Conference Room (map). Lunch provided. Suggested donation: $10. Conference call number will be available for out-of-state or distance participants. To get the conference call number please email cshick(at)

A half day discussion with fellow young Entrepreneurs on how to:

  • Accelerate the startup process
  • Support others trying to start businesses
  • Cultivate an entrepreneurial community.

Attendees:  Targeting established entrepreneurs under the age of 30 throughout Michigan.


19 Nov


Dec 8-9: Incuba8 Consultants & Freelancers Setup Workshop

November 19, 2009 | By |

December 8- 9th , 2009, 9:30 am- 4:00 pm. Located at the Mid Michigan Innovation Center, Lake Ontario Conference Room (map).

A two-day workshop that will walk attendees through the consulting setup process.  Takeaways include:

  • Defining services & niche
  • Creating a pricing model
  • Establishing credibility and web presence
  • Attracting customers

Discounted Price: $175, Scholarships Available


Facebook Event

More information to come.

27 Oct


EnGen Incuba8

October 27, 2010 | By |

Thanks to all who attended! Please fill out our SURVEY.

Friday October 22nd – Center for Creativity and Enterprise, Northwood University, Midland, MI

4:00pm Vision Crafting Workshop (3.5 hours):

  • Create, clarify and articulate the organizational vision and purpose
  • Define needs and problems and desired impact
  • Understand the customer, identifying their needs and defining the scope of the venture to meet those needs

8:00pm Campfire

  • Network and connect with participants
  • Hot Dogs and S’mores will be provided

Saturday October 23rd

8:00am Market Direction Workshop (3.5 hours):

  • Identify who is paying for your product, why and define the value of their purchase
  • Identify groups that would be impacted by your business and define the draw
  • Create incentives
  • Align strategy to customer needs

12:00pm Lunch

1:00pm Service/Product Development and Strategy Workshop (3.5 hours): Glass conference table with business chairs - ...

  • Design your product/service and strategy
  • Create a viable business model
    • Different online and service business model options
    • Pricing
    • Industry benchmarks
  • Map the next steps in launching the organization

27 Jan


Feb. 8th – EntreMeetup

January 27, 2011 | By |

Facebook Event

2nd Tuesday Every Month, 7-10pm
2470 E. NewCastle Ln., Midland, MI

EntreMeetup’s Objective: Connecting Creative Entrepreneurs Together to Launch & Grow Startups!

EntreMeetup - Tony Speaking

Feb. Startup Presentations

1) Ingenuitas -Nate Oostendorp (Co-founder of

Hear seasoned entrepreneur Nate talk about his startup to unleash open source in manufacturing through creating an Industrial Controls open source platform.

His background includes:

SlashDot Co-Founder
Tech-news Hub with 10M readers/month

SourceForge Architect,Product Manager
Hosting for 2M+ OSS Devs, 42m visitors/month

Magna-Donnelly Industrial Programmer
3yr on production systems in data, vision, robotics

Startup & Concept Updates Presentations:
2) Cultivating innovation atmosphere in Midland – Caryn Shick, Incuba8
3) Hello Rent – Kyle Deming

EntreMeetup Format:

* Business card table
* Quick 20 second intros for first time attendees
* Birds of a feather- learn about other attendees interests, skill sets, and new opportunities
* Three or four presentations from recent startups (7 min presentation, 3 min Q&A)
* Quick elevator pitches, announcements, and life changing books nominations

Please email me if:

1. You are interested in presenting your company, idea, or social venture at a future meetup
2. You want to submit an announcement before the meetup
3. You are traveling from out of town

EntreMeetup AttendeesPlease spread the word about the group and invite any of your friends who care about changing the world and are interested in entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, public policy, politics, investing, healthcare, education, law, poverty, marketing, or technology. All are welcome!

17 Nov


Nov 18: Extreme Entrepreneurship Tour

November 17, 2010 | By |

Extreme Entrepreneurship TourThe Extreme Entrepreneurship Tour is coming to Northwood University, 11.18.10, 3-7 pm, Sloan Auditorium.

Come hear young entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial leaders who’ve made, earned, and sold their company for millions and/or made a huge impact before 25. (See bios below)

Speakers will discuss how to:
* Build your personal brand
* Expand your network
* Define your life vision
* Get started on your goals even with limited resources.

All students can leverage the entrepreneurial mindset in this increasingly global and automated world.

This half-day event has four parts:
1) Successful Young Entrepreneur Keynote Speakers
2) Workshop- Dream / idea creation with action plan and accountability.
3) Two Networking Events
4) Extreme Entrepreneurship Panel

For more info about the format go to

Space is limited—reserve your spot today!

Keynote Speakers

BusinessWeek says AREL MOODIE “teaches young people that anything is possible.” Essence Magazine said that “Arel Moodie should be the poster boy for rags-to-riches stories…He made it to college and is now America’s Top Young Speaker.” USA Today recognized Arel Moode as a Top Generation Y

Arel is the bestselling author of Your Starting Point for Student Success, a book not about helping students go to college, but more importantly helping students successfully go THROUGH college to truly succeed in school and in life.

Arel grew up on welfare in the projects of Brooklyn, NY where he witnessed those around him being murdered and imprisoned. Being picked on, beaten up, and robbed at knifepoint were typical, harsh experiences he now credits as the force behind his success. Seeing college as his “way out”, Arel took advantage of his college opportunity to the fullest. He started his first successful internet company while in college, and served as president of four different student organizations. Arel’s college awarded him the “Albert Tillman Award”, naming him “The Most Outstanding Graduating Senior”.

Now, as a professional speaker and co-owner of The Extreme Entrepreneurship Tour, Arel has spoken to
over 65,000 students in 39 states and two countries by his 26th birthday. Arel is named one of the country’s Top Generation Y Leaders in the book Millennial Leaders as well as being featured in the #1 NY Times Bestselling book who’s got your back by Keith Ferrazzi (also author Never Eat Alone). In his spare time, Arel likes to dance and has performed with the Grammy Award winning R&B group 112. He also loves his pug and high-fives.

LAUREN BERGER created Intern Queen Inc. while finishing college at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. Lauren had been dubbed “The Intern Queen” by local and national press after participating in fifteen internships during her four years of college.FOX, NBC, MTV, BWR Public Relations are some of the companies that stand out on her resume. As “The Intern Queen”, Berger developed an internship consulting service and an intern-themed clothing line, Internal EthiKs. She picked up the award for “Best Young Entrepreneur of the Year” at the 2007-2008 Stevie Awards in Vegas last year. Lauren is a featured blogger on, has been published in MTV/Frommer’s EUROPE book and has also been published in US WEEKLY, SEVENTEEN, NICKELODEON, NY FAMILY, AXIS, TALENT IN MOTION, NYCOOL.COM, JUSTINE, and more.

ROBERT NICHOLSON is a serial and social entrepreneur with companies in home healthcare, real estate, auto racing, tshirts, and more. He started as a sole proprietor after high school when he purchased his first duplex. Robert used this first investment to invest in several more rental properties. He next moved onto the home healthcare industry with the formation of Better Living Now, Inc. which provides residential services for individuals with MRDD.

While in college at Ohio State Robert was President of the Business Builders Club and a two time finalist in the Deloitte Fisher Business Plan Competition and a finalist in the Social Entrepreneur Business Plan Competition. The Business Builders Club was the top award winning organization at Ohio State’s Fisher College of Business during Rob’s time as President. The business plans he wrote while in college raised $750,000 in startup capital and have generated three startup companies which have created over fifty jobs and millions in revenues. One of those companies, Dirt Tracks Inc. currently owns and operates Midway Speedway in Crooksville, OH and is working on the acquisition of two additional tracks.

Currently, Rob is the Executive Director of The Nicholson Center where he is working on his newest
venture which provides day habilitation programming and employment opportunities to MRDD adults.
This not for profit company began providing services through Medicaid in February of 2009. This company allows Robert to run a social enterprise and put his business talents to work while improving his community.
Hosted by: The Alden B. Dow Center for Creativity and Enterprise at Northwood University

Partner: Incuba8 presented by Opportunity Analysts LLC. TwitterFacebook.

16 Nov


Nov 19: Extreme Entrepreneurship Tour in Midland, MI

November 16, 2009 | By |

Extreme Entrepreneurship Tour at Northwood University

The Extreme Entrepreneurship Tour ( is coming to Northwood University, 11.19.09, 3-7 pm, Sloan Auditorium.

Come hear young entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial leaders who’ve made, earned, and sold their company for millions and/or made a huge impact before 25. (See bios below)

Speakers will discuss how to:
* Build your personal brand
* Expand your network
* Define your life vision
* Get started on your goals even with limited resources.

All students can leverage the entrepreneurial mindset in this increasingly global and automated world.

This half-day event has four parts:
1) Successful Young Entrepreneur Keynote Speakers
2) Workshop- Dream / idea creation with action plan and accountability.
3) Two Networking Events
4) Extreme Entrepreneurship Panel

For more info about the format go to

Space is limited—reserve your spot today!

Keynote Speakers

MICHAEL SIMMONS is a young, serial, award-winning entrepreneur, bestselling author of The Student Success Manifesto, and national keynote speaker to over 30,000 individuals.

Michael’s company, Extreme Entrepreneurship Tour, brings the country’s top young entrepreneurs to college campuses to spread the entrepreneurial mindset. Started in fall 2006, the tour has visited over 100 schools nation-wide and has received the Innovation Award from the National Association of Development Organizations and the Program of the Year award from Northern Michigan University. More can be learned at

Michael co-founded his first business, Princeton WebSolutions (PWS), when he was sixteen years old. PWS was later rated the #1 youth-run web development company in the nation by Youngbiz Magazine. In addition, Michael has been the winner of three entrepreneur of the year awards from the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship, Fleet, and the National Coalition for Empowering Youth Entrepreneurship. He and his company have been featured in five books and on the AOL Home Page, USA Today, Inc. Magazine, ABC, NBC, and CBS. Finally, in 2006, Michael was named by Business Week as one of the Top 25 Entrepreneurs Under 25.

ANTHONY DAVID ADAMS, 28, is an award winning American inventor and entrepreneur. Most recently, Anthony made headlines for his salacious education blog,, which at just one year old was named one of the Top 25 Blogs of 2009 by Time Magazine.

In addition to DetentionSlip, Anthony serves as CEO of CreditCovers: skins for credit cards — an angel funded company based on a product he invented, patented, and developed.

You may have seen him and his companies on FoxNews, Time Magazine, The New York Times, Entrepreneur, Fortune, BusinessWeek, Daily Candy, Glamour, Readers Digest, ABC, NBC, Cool Hunting, or 500+ other media outlets.

Anthony has consulted on innovation, creativity, branding and marketing for The United Nations, BMW, SC Johnson Wax, Inventibles, The Salvation Army, Bisnow Media Group, The Summit Series and others.

Previous to his work in the private sector, Anthony was executive director and lead lobbyist at United Council, a 120,000 member student organizing non-profit. He holds a Masters in Urban Planning from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2005), and a Bachelors in Psychology from Edinboro University (2003).

Anthony lives in lower Manhattan and enjoys ultimate frisbee, chess, skydiving, vegan food, computer programming, rubiks cubes, running and working out with his Broadway star brother, Nick Adams.

JOESEPH A. PASCARETTA has been Chief Executive Officer of Alps Technology since 2000 and a member of the Board of Directors since he co-founded the company in June of 1999. Mr. Pascaretta has served as Chairman of the Board from February 2000 to present and President from June 1999 to January 2000. Mr. Pascaretta has been a member of the Executive Committee since June 1999. He served as President and Corporate Director of The Alps Lawn Company from May 2002 to June 2008. Mr. Pascaretta is a graduate of the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Hosted by: The Alden B. Dow Center for Creativity and Enterprise at Northwood University

Partner: The Mid Michigan Innovation Center

Partner: Incuba8 presented by Opportunity Analysts LLC.

31 Dec


Past Events Directory

December 31, 2009 | By |

Dec 3-4th, 2009 , 6:00- 9:30pm, Dec 5th, 2009, 2:00-5:30 pm- Concept Crafting Workshop, Mid Michigan Innovation Center, Lake Isabella Conference Room (Map), $150

  • A series of workshops to develop and refine entrepreneurial ideas and to guide entrepreneurs through the steps prior to a formal business proposal.
  • Attendees:  Creative individuals who want to craft their ideas into a viable business concept

Dec 5th, 2009, 9:30- 1:00pm – Young Entrepreneur Round Table, Mid Michigan Innovation Center, Lake Isabella Conference Room (Map), $10

  • A half day discussion on how to accelerate the startup process, support others trying to start businesses, and cultivate an entrepreneurial community.
  • Lunch will be provided.
  • A call in number will be provided for our distance attendees. Please email cshick(at) for distance access.
  • Attendees:  Targeting established entrepreneurs under the age of 30 throughout Michigan

Dec 8th & 9th, 2009-, 9:30 am – 4:00pm, Consulting / Freelance Setup Workshop, Mid Michigan Innovation Center, Lake Ontario Conference Room (map), $175

  • A two-day workshop to walk people through the consulting setup process.  More specifically to help them define their services, create a pricing model, establish credibility and web presence, and create a strategy to attract customers.
  • Attendees:  Individuals who want to setup or better position their consulting services

Dec 8th, 2009- EntreMeetup: Entrepreneur & Social Entrepreneur Meetup, $5

29 Jul


Summer Events- 2009

July 29, 2009 | By |

We are proud to present Incuba8 2009(pronounced “Incubate”)! Local startup consultant Caryn Shick of Opportunity Analysts, LLC is teaming up with Midland Tomorrow, the Mid-Michigan Innovation Center,Northwood University- Alden B. Dow Creativity Center, and an array of entrepreneurs from all over the country to bring you a series of three entrepreneurial conferences that will guide you through the start-up process and help you launch your dream business. (Thank you sponsors!)

Come hear how Alex Lindahl founded, and how a variety of other successful entrepreneurs have built their businesses from scratch. If you are serious about creating new revenue streams, launching a product, building an info site, or just developing a small source of automated income, Incuba8 will have something for you. Incuba8 will allow you the opportunity to develop your concept, create your vision, and launch your company from start to finish.

Below are the breakdowns of the events that will be held throughout August. If you are excited about pursuing your dreams, generating income, and want to learning how to navigate the startup process, register today!

Incuba8 is looking for:

  • People with great business ideas
  • Local inventors with that would like to be included in the area innovation showcase
  • Business mentors and presenters with startup expertise
  • Entrepreneurial support organizations that would like to be included in the organizational fair

Why Incuba8?

  • Too many great ideas sit without being pursued
  • It is possible to do what you want and get paid
  • There are many free resources waiting to be tapped into
  • The entrepreneurial process is full of ambiguity and learning to navigate that ambiguity can be daunting on your own




Below are the events this summer. Come to the an individual event or the whole program!

Area Innovation ShowcaseAugust 10th, 10:15- 11:30 am, Alden B. Dow Creativity Center, Midland, MI

  • Meet the area’s most creative innovators, services providers , inventors, and product creators.
  • Showcase your new invention or business idea to angel investors, customers, and other entrepreneurs at the first Area Innovation Showcase. REGISTER Here!

Concept Crafting Boot Camp August 10-12th, Alden B. Dow Creativity Center, Midland, MI

  • A workshop that helps you create a viable and feasible business proposal by helping you walk through the ideation process needed to outline your startup’s purpose, strategy, and revenue model. This workshop targets motivated entrepreneurs under 30.
  • Suggested donation: $65 (scholarships available upon qualification). REGISTER Here!

Entrepreneurial and Social Entrepreneurial Meetup August 12th, 7:00 pm, 2470 E NewCastle Ln, Midland

  • A networking event creating connections among smart, driven people from all walks of life in Mid-Michigan to build a better community and world together.
  • Suggested donation: $5

Mid Michigan Innovators Speakers Series, Alex Lindahl, Co-Founder of College Mogul August 13th, 4:30 pm, The Sloan Building at Northwood University, Midland, MI

Business Launch WeekendAugust 13-16th, The Sloan Building at Northwood University, Midland, MI

  • Develop your own business concept with the help of our mentors and experts targeting motivated individuals under 30.
  • Don’t have a business concept? Jump on board with some of the hottest new concepts in Michigan and contribute your talent to making them a reality. REGISTER Here!

Business Setup ConferenceAugust 18th,  8:00 am-7 pm, Mid Michigan Innovation Center, Midland, MI

  • Have all of your startup questions answered by the experts.
  • This event is focused on walking startups through the organizational structure, legal & accounting setup, intellectual capital strategies, and licensing your idea.
  • Attendees will receive instruction from Intellectual Property Specialists, Start-up Lawyers, Accounting Specialists and more.
  • Suggested donation: $100.  REGISTER FOR THE BUSINESS SETUP CONFERENCE Here!

If you or someone you know is interested or is considering a business start-up check out our website or contact Caryn Shick at [email protected] or 989-430-3518.