April 8, 2014 | By Incuba8 |
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
As articulated by MI Rick Snyder at the Michigan Emerging Conference, an entrepreneurial ecosystem has 5 main components:
• Great ideas & technology
• Talent
• Capital
• Infrastructure
• Culture
Incuba8 focuses on creating a culture that incorporates the other elements to naturally spur entrepreneurial activities. Cultivating entrepreneurship can be done through intentional design of the entrepreneurial pipeline to mobilize people realizing their ideas.
This process involves mapping out the entrepreneurship process and making sure there are mechanisms in place to help provide the tools aspiring entrepreneur’s need.
We focus on creating a toolbox within a culture (i.e. the support structures to accelerate the aspiring entrepreneur’s personal ability to navigate the start-up process) and even the owner’s manual of how to use these tools. Incuba8 encourages individuals to pursue their ideas and watches them go. The aspiring entrepreneur’s own their concept; there is no hand-holding. We have simply helped facilitate the pipeline to make it natural.